4 Lessons I Learned During My Time At Facebook

I spent a little more than 4 years working at Facebook India. Here are some lessons that I learned during my tenure.

1st Jul 2015 was my last day at Facebook. While I learnt a lot many things at Facebook, here are the top 4 learnings from my 4-year long tenure there:

  1. It’s OK to make mistakes. It’s OK to fall on your face and rise again. To the new leads and managers out there, give your team the confidence that you have their back, and more importantly, don’t just say it, mean it. You’ll be amazed by the kind of results that you’ll get once you start doing it.

  2. Nothing is somebody else’s problem. If you find something is broken, roll up your sleeves and fix it. This is something we should apply in our personal lives too- your city is not clean? Don’t blame the government, do your bit to make it clean.

  3. Don’t be afraid to ask questions- tough questions. Don’t just do something because someone up the ladder has asked you to. Voice your concern if you are not ok with it. If all you’re doing is agreeing with your teammates and manager all the time, you’re redundant. So start by telling yourself, “I must bring a different perspective than what others are bringing. But please don’t start going against everything they say just for the sake of it!

  4. There is no such thing as a weakness. We all have the same attributes, their ranking changes from individual to individual. For someone critical thinking might be at a higher rank, for some other person creativity could be ranked higher. Rather than focusing on improving the score of lower-ranked attributes, make your higher-ranked attributes your armor. Work on becoming the best version of yourself without trying to be something you’re not.
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